
Governing Documents

The Charity is governed by the Scheme approved by the Charity Commission (ref. 1171/2324) on 14 November 2023 (2023 Scheme) which replaces the 1970 Scheme and 2014 Supplementary Scheme.  The new 2023 Scheme maintains the ethos and the objectives of the Charity but updates and streamlines the governance and operation of the Charity. The two branches of the Charity, the Almshouse branch and the Relief in Need branch, are merged. The name of the Charity is changed from the Cambridge United Charities to the United Charities of Cambridge.

On 9th December 2014 the Charity Commission made a number of amendments made to the earlier 1970 Scheme, which allow the Charity greater administrative flexibility in the allocation of funds to qualifying almspeople  and under Relief in Need where the definition of persons entitled to benefit has also been redefined. The amendments resulted a more up-to-date governing document which, amongst other issues, took account of the fact that Cambridge City Council had withdrawn from its responsibility for the governance of the Charity, having identified a conflict of interests. 

Further information can be found on the History section of the Charity.

Please refer to the Public Documents section for governance related documents

Board of Trustees

The Charity is administered by voluntary Trustees (normally between eight and 12) who manage the Charity and are appointed to a four year term of office that can be renewed once. Between six and ten Trustees are so-called ‘co-opted’ Trustees who are citizens of Cambridge or surrounding areas. There are also two ‘nominated’ Trustees appointed by Cambridge University (CU).

The names of the present trustees are available on the Charity Commissions website. 

There are three ordinary Board meetings per year, with provision for additional special meetings, should the need arise. The  Chair, the Vice Chair, the Almshouse Trustee and the Treasurer are elected every two years by the Trustees.

The Treasurer works closely with the Charity’s Accountant to ensure sound financial management and ongoing probity. The trustees produce annual reports and financial accounts which are sent to the Charity Commission for publication on their website. 

The Board has established two Sub-committees, both responsible to the Board, which meet between Board Meetings and prepare recommendations to the Board. They are:

  1. The Resources Sub-committee, which is normally chaired by the Treasurer
  2. The Almshouse Sub-committee, which is normally chaired by the Almshouse Trustee

Reporting to the Charity Commission

As required by law, the Charity submits an annual report of its activities and audited accounts to the Charity Commission. These can be viewed on the Charity Commission website